What are the benefits of an EMS based on ISO 14001?

Are you interested in learning how an EMS based on ISO 14001 can benefit your organisation? Explore the major advantages, including legal compliance, enhanced credibility, better cost control, and more, and understand how ISO 14001 certification can help your business succeed.
What are the benefits of an EMS based on ISO 14001?

Increased regulations from governments, international organisations and local authorities have highlighted the importance of environmental management. Knowledge about the consequences of unsustainable practices is also permeating among individuals. As a result, an effective EMS based on ISO 14001 has become essential for companies to thrive.

A JAS-ANZ accredited certification body such as Citation Certification can help you obtain certification in ISO 14001 and even assist you in integrating this system with other international standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 45001.


Benefits of an EMS based on ISO 14001

Using an effective, process-based Environmental Management System (EMS) to measure performance has several advantages for a company. Here are some benefits of an EMS based on ISO 14001: 2015:


1. Achieving legal compliance

ISO 14001 is a process-based environmental management system (EMS) designed to identify, monitor, eliminate or reduce significant environmental impact. Using the set EMS processes allows you to stay ahead of new and existing regulations. Your efforts to meet new standards within the EMS can demonstrate your organisation’s commitment to environmental sustainability.


2. Increased success rate implementing changes

An accurate collection of data that monitors environmental changes and improvements made by your organisation is an integral part of ISO 14001 EMS. Collecting data and monitoring performance can increase the chances of successful transformations. When mistakes are made, you can use data to identify and address them quickly. This type of flexibility gives you real business advantages and saves you money.


3. Fostering a faster process improvement

ISO 14001 emphasises continual improvement by using data collection, analysis and tracking to identify risks. By spotting processes that are not working correctly and making modifications, businesses can stop minor issues from becoming significant. This continuous process improvement can help your company save on costs and create a more favourable public perception.


4. Cost control improvement

As suggested earlier, implementing ISO 14001 allows you to reduce your company’s operational costs. ISO 14001 allows you to analyse your product’s full life cycle and identify ways to reduce waste. Furthermore, exploring more efficient production methods helps lower energy costs. The EMS provides you with the means to assess and upgrade your operations.


5. Improved credibility and reputation

Reducing your organisation’s environmental footprint is not only a worthwhile goal in itself, but it also helps boost your image and relationships with regulatory bodies, the community, business partners, and customers. Certification to an international standard for EMS can open even more doors, leading to increased profitability, cooperation and expansion possibilities.


6. Applying for tenders becomes easier

Even if ISO 14001 is not listed as a requirement in a tender, you still have an edge. Having the certification demonstrates your dedication to sustainability. Besides, your good relationship with regulatory bodies and government organisations is beneficial to anyone who wishes to use your services. When you are considered a leader in best business practices, more organisations will be drawn to and wish to partner up with you.


Final thoughts

We have listed the top six direct benefits of ISO 14001 certification. Additionally, there are other indirect rewards and outcomes. In a world where people are increasingly conscious of sustainability, governments have implemented more regulations to control how businesses function.

An effective procedure-based EMS can help you comply with these rules. A further benefit is an enhanced image of your company that will help ensure successful dealings. Click here to get a free ISO gap analysis checklist.

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